06/16/2022 MAADS General Meeting and Educational Seminar

10:30 - 11:30am MAADS General Meeting (10:30am - 11:30am) Members Only

12:15-12:30pm Lunch sponsored by Bay Area Insurance Give them a visit for your insurance needs

12:30-1:30pm Presentation - Cybersecurity (Presented by CMIT)

1:30-2:30pm  Presentation - Soft skills for healthcare (Tangie Newborn)

Educational Seminar Register here  2 hours of social worker CEUs are available.

The cost to attend, which includes lunch, is $50 for MAADS members and $75 for non-MAADS members. 

Please join your colleagues in adult day services on June 16th for lunch and presentations from CMIT on cybersecurity and Tangie Newborn on interpersonal skills such as stress management/self care. This event will take place at The beacon Institute's Handelman conference center in Columbia, MD.

Register here by June 14th to attend. 



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